08-25-2021 08:58 AM
08-25-2021 01:12 PM
@Monster366 welcome to the forums, we're so glad you're here.
That sounds like a really worrying situation for you as a parent, and very hard for your teenager as well.
We have some good information on our website about self harm, talking about self-destructive behaviours and what to do when a young person doesn't want help that might be worth a read if that feels helpful.
Supporting a young person who self harms can be very stressful for parents - do you have support for yourself?
08-26-2021 02:44 AM
It looks like you’re visiting us from a country other than Australia.
We are an Australian service and think you’d benefit more from looking up a similar service in your country.
You are welcome to look around the forums, but please don’t make an account or post, as we can’t offer you the help you may need.
Before you go ahead and post, you should know that we remove non-Australian accounts – not because we don’t want to help or connect with you, but because we may not be able to provide you with the service that you require.