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Advice needed - Teenage girl - Mean girls

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Advice needed - Teenage girl - Mean girls

Casual scribe

Advice needed - Teenage girl - Mean girls

My daughter has recently changed schools, which she had wanted to do for awhile.

She still plays sport with girls from her old school, who she was good friends with.

All of a sudden they have ignored her at sport at training and on game days. For what she has said is no reason. I would hate for her to give up a sport she loves but feel these girls are treating her unfairly. What do we do. They are making her sport unbearable. Which I don't think is fair. How do we handle this????


Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Advice needed - Teenage girl - Mean girls

Hey @Cadbury ,


Arghhh, teenagers can be so **bleep** mean . . . is there potential for her to join another team?


Has she had a conversation with them about why things have changed? I wonder if you role could be in helping her to have that conversation?