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Middle school

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Active scribe

Middle school

Middle school is a jungle all on it's own. How are your teenagers handling it? There are good times and bad. But it seems hard on my teenagers self esteem the most.
Super contributor

Re: Middle school

Hi @Curious87, thanks for starting this topic and sharing that with us. High school is definitely a challenging journey of ups and downs. Understandably, it can have a number of benefits and consequences on a teenager's well-being and development. What makes you feel as though your teenager's self esteem is impacted right now? To provide some context, would you mind sharing how old your children are? Heart
Active scribe

Re: Middle school

She will be 14 this year, so I do a phone check often to make sure she's following the rules and I will come across notes she writes. They are about how she thinks no one likes her and how her face breaks out. She thinks shell never have a boyfriend, which I know isnt true and I know teenagers are a bit dramatic. I always tell her she has to place her happiness in her self first and love herself, because no matter what happens at school those people wont dictate your life.