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New members - can we help?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia


New members - can we help?

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Here's the place where we welcome new members and let them know how they can get help from all the other parents here.


Welcome to @fluffy, @Tryingtohelp, @Pokie and @the_judge - have you got something on your mind about your child? You can run it by some of the other parents here and here's how.


Go to either:

- Common Concerns: Teenagers' everyday issues & mental health (for anxiety, stress,
depression, bullying, self-harm, self esteem, suicide, alcohol, conflict, sex etc)




- Skills to build: Connecting with teenagers & their wellbeing (for sexuality, gender, communication, trust, confidence, resilience, technology, relationships, getting help etc)


Then, click:
start a topic.JPG


And let us know what's on your mind. If you want to start off with something shorter, say hi over here.


Hope to hear from you! Ask any Qs below.


Re: New members - can we help?

Just wanted to say hi to @branwik - see the message above and welcome!


Let us know what we can do to help or justtell us what's on your mind


Re: New members - can we help?

Message contains a hyperlink
Hello to @dicko - see above, can we help? Or just say hi over here:

What's on your mind?