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Reactive daughter

Discussion forum for parents in Australia


Reactive daughter

I am concerned about my 13yr old daughter. Her personality is extremely reactive and I can't figure her triggers apart from if it's not what she wants then watch out. She is verbally abusive, she will hit walls/kick doors/slam doors. At times when she is close to exploding she will do little things like walk past her 4yr old brother and slap him on head or push him all gently but still not acceptable behaviour. I don't know how to manage her. I have tried being her friend, Ive tried being angry, Ive tried to remain calm.
I'm pushed to my extreme, I need help!!

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Re: Reactive daughter

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Hi @Cpaps84, thank you for sharing. Your daughter's behaviour sounds tricky to handle. I can hear that you have tried a lot of different tactics but are left feeling stuck. It must be really upsetting and scary to see her hitting walls, kicking doors and sometimes pushing or slapping her little brother. I imagine that your 4 year old might feel quite upset or afraid when this happens - how do you manage these kinds of situations? If you ever feel like the situation is escalating and/or you are worried about the safety of yourself or anyone in your family, you are encouraged to call 000.


I am wondering if your daughter receives any support from a health professional like a counsellor or psychologist? Also, all of this sounds so difficult to manage and I bet it can get exhausting when you are trying to care for multiple kids. Is there anything you do by yourself or as a family to recharge? If you want to find support in your area for yourself or your kids, Neami has a service directory. 


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