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Activities for preschoolers

Discussion forum for parents in Australia


Activities for preschoolers

My child is 2 years old. I'm thinking about how to help him develop properly and what kind of development he will have. Now I use classic printable activities for prechoolers. 

Could parents of preschoolers tell about their story on this topic? Thanks!

Super frequent scribe

Re: Activities for preschoolers

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Hi @katelaufrain and welcome to the Parents Forum!

We hope that you're able to find the resources that you are looking for, and support from other parents that you may need Heart

Just a quick note to let you know that as per our Community Guidelines, we have needed to remove the link you had included in your post, and we have also sent you an email, if you could please keep an eye out for that.

Looking forward to seeing what the community can offer you by way of their experiences with their kid's development Smiley Happy


Re: Activities for preschoolers

Hello! My son is 4 years old, with his wife young parents without much experience in raising children, but fortunately they found a way out. There are many resources on the Internet that literally taught themselves and taught the child. For example, they developed fine motor skills by printing pictures, cut and glued, very interesting and informative.
The child is terribly satisfied with doing this for more than a year, at first they did it under supervision, helping where there were problems, now Charlie does everything himself and quite beautifully. Sits constantly concentrated such as much to laugh

Prolific scribe

Re: Activities for preschoolers

Message contains a hyperlink

Hey @Billi 

Just wanted to let you know that we have edited your post and removed the link you included as outlined in our Community Guidelines