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Creating some bonding time

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Casual scribe

Creating some bonding time

Hi mums and dads
I've been really busy recently and I've started feeling like I'm distant from my kids. We used to be so close and now it's like they're more attached to everyone else except me. I'm planning to do some things with them this weekend to create as much togetherness as possible. I was thinking matching outfits from twinning zone, family movies in the evening and moving the mattress to the lounge and all falling asleep there while watching movies. I'm just looking for some ideas for during the day, especially if it's raining.
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Re: Creating some bonding time

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Hi @Me102 


I'm sorry to hear that you feel distant from your kids, I can imagine how difficult that must be for you. I can see that you have already listed some great ideas so far. I love the movie idea, what a great way to settle down for the night!


We have had members post to the forums in similar positions before, so you are definitely not alone in this. We have a large number of forum posts that might also have some helpful suggestions. For example, this Post has a number of activities to do on school holidays.


Let us know how you go.