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Hockey vs Figure Skating

Discussion forum for parents in Australia


Hockey vs Figure Skating

This may seem like a silly question but I'm so torn about what to do. My daughter is 7 and has been in skating lessons for 2 years. She is a great skater. This year the skating owner is saying now that my daughter is a confident skater , I need to decide if we are going the figure skating or hockey route with her. Thought this would be simple and left it up to my daughter but she goes back and forth everyday. I tried showing her videos of people playing hockey and videos of figure skating but some days she wants to do one and other days she wants the other. I just worry about putting her in the "wrong" thing and missing out on time she could have developed skill in the activity she should be doing. They are hugely different sports. Any ideas on how I can support her figuring out which one is truly her interest ? 

Thank you Smiley Happy