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Online Schooling

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Online Schooling

Hello all!


I just wanted to share my experience of my children attending online schooling for anyone that is interested or looking to make the transition themselves Smiley Happy. I have three children all of whom have previously been attending another school, but due to the recent expansion the class sizes have become too big to be beneficial (there were hundreds of students in my son’s iGCSE classes). So they are all transferring toa school which prioritises safety (which is so important to me especially since they attend online school) and small personalised class sizes. Online schools are good because your kids are able to learn at their own pace without any outside pressure. My kids really struggled with physical school and their new school has really managed to set their minds at ease and I really do believe their confidence is coming back. And my eldest daughter’s grades have really improved!


I hope that gives anyone who is considering online schooling some insight into what its like 🙂


Best wishes <3 <3,



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Re: Online Schooling

Hi @GHY76, thank you so much for sharing and welcome to our forums. Just so you know, we edited some detail out of your posts as it becomes too close to being an advertisement which is not permitted on our forums. We are also an Australian service but you are more than welcome to continue posting here Heart Please feel welcome to share more of your insight into online schooling.