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Is it okay to go out for lunch with just me and my Hubby after our wedding ceremony and not invite anyone else?

My partner and I already have two children together and want to make it official by finally getting married. We want to have a very small ceremony with just our immediate families. We would then like to go for a child free lunch together just the two of us as we haven't done that since having the kids. Our families are not so happy with this decision and want to come celebrate with us. I understand where they are coming from but also just want this day to be about me and my fiancee.
Active scribe

Re: Wedding

Hi @Elisemc

Thank you for reaching out and contributing to the Parents Forum,

I'm sorry to hear your family hasn't been supportive of your wish to have your post-wedding ceremony lunch alone. It's your special day and if you would like to spend this time just with your partner and yourself, i think that is perfectly reasonable.

What are your family's objections?

Do you think you’d like to organise a lunch or dinner with them another day to celebrate your wedding?