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New member? Introduce yourself here!


Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

F 15
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Sorry to get right to it but I need help with my son
Super contributor

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi @newt1021, thank you for sharing. So we can support you, can you please include some more information about what is happening for you right now? We're here for you.
Active scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hey, sorry to hear this, what’s happening? I may be able to help you.
Active scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hello! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone as well. It will be helpful to have a network of individuals who understand what I'm going through and can empathize rather than criticize. It's comforting to know I'm not alone, and perhaps some folks will have pearls of wisdom to share with me along the journey.
The articles are quite intriguing to me. The contextual "setting the scene" elements for encouraging skill development, such as open communication, are fantastic. However, I have yet to be productive in this household lol.

Casual scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

I first heard about ReachOut through a random search on google and decided to join it after a few days.
I have 2 kids (a boy 3, and a girl 7), Blessed momSmiley Happy
Worst: small stressed routine things! Best: I will overcome my fears about my kids


Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi, single parent of 4. Ages 15,13,12 and 6. Teens are so serious but when my tweens rival with each other dancing to silly tiktok trends can be so silly and funny. I have had obstacles...boy! When times get tough I tell myself "what can I really do right this moment?" Just brainstorm solutions. I have a cousin who I call my At times I look online for inspiration or advice. I find youtube videos talking about issues with children, teens. I take walks....long walks and watch organizing videos to ease pressures. I am concerned with my oldest child who is 15 and refusing to go to school. So naturally brought me to this site. A tip for new teen parents is let go of the reigns a bit and observe them. I have noticed my tweens fussiness with me and it's always "leave me alone" "I know already" they do not want hugs but it's important to push a hug in. Something about a hug just warms them a little but you know they are quick to shrug you off quickly. Sleep is sooooo good on weekends.
Casual scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

I'm 41 have 2 boys 13 and 11. I love them both so much. I'm having a very hard time keeping my stress level down as of lately. I reached out today as I was at a meeting for one of my son's and the lady I had the meeting with suggested this forum to help me cope, get,suggestions on parenting with others in similar situations. So here I am. My top tip parenting tip which I'm horrible at cause, it causes chaos is keeping screen time to a minimum. When I have my weekend off i enjoy doing something with my husband and 2 boys etc, movies, out for dinner, just a day all together having fun.

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi @KaRob! I have responded to your other post, but wanted to jump in here as well to welcome you to the forums! Thank you for sharing a bit about your family and situation with us. 

We are really glad you reached out here, and hope that you get the chance to connect with other parents in a similar position to you. I am sure many parents can relate to the difficulties of managing their teenagers' screen time!



Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hello 🙂

I’m a father to three teens 16, 14 and 13. I found reachout through their school site. 

I’m curious to know more about:

1. Improving my parenting in the context of a single parent situation;

2. Being a parent to teen girls. I have little knowledge here as I left home when my sister was 12yo.

3. I’m interested in ways to mentor, support and educate my son who is 16 and is starting to become active in sex and intimate relationships. I’m particularly interested to find out if a course/retreat exists to promote sex positive education for teen boys.



Super frequent scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Message contains a hyperlink

Hi @SimeSime and welcome to the Community!

It sounds like you have a lot on your plate with 3 Teenagers, and we appreciate that you have reached out for some support.

As a starting point, here is some information about talking to Teens about sex, as well as ways to develop skills for improving communication with Teens.

ReachOut also offer free one-on-one parenting support that may be of interest to you, more info can be found here, and if you feel like you need to talk to someone, Parentline are a really good resource that offer Counselling over the phone.