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Pregnant with 3rd child unplanned not sure when or how to tell husband

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Pregnant with 3rd child unplanned not sure when or how to tell husband


Pregnant with 3rd child unplanned not sure when or how to tell husband

I just found out I am pregnant with our 3rd totally unplanned.  He is away on a boy's getaway which he has been looking forward to.  I am worried and concerned however I do want to keep the baby.  My husband's initial reaction may not be one of joy however he will get over it.  I been talking to him daily however not said anything being considerate.  


Wondering if I am doing the right thing, should I tell him and let him mull over it the next few days or let him have his boy's weekend and tell him on his return.

Super contributor

Re: Pregnant with 3rd child unplanned not sure when or how to tell husband

Hi @MrsB123, thanks for sharing. Congratulations! It sounds like you are in a bit of a tricky situation at the moment. What makes you feel worried and concerned about this unplanned pregnancy?

There is no right answer here and you know your husband best - it is difficult for anyone to answer this question without knowing your husband, your relationship together and other contextual factors. What do you think you should do? Will it ruin his getaway if you tell him now? Will you be able to wait until he gets back? If waiting is bound to raise some feelings of anxiety or nervousness, how can you look after yourself in the meantime? Is there anyone else you talk to about this?

Best of luck, we are here to support you Heart