03-30-2024 07:32 PM
03-30-2024 08:32 PM
Hey @mumsuzof2,
First off, welcome to the parents community and thanks for reaching out about the fighting that's been going on with your two preteens.
It sounds like it's been such an exhausting time trying to keep the peace amidst all this fighting, especially with the lack of face to face supports you described. I can hear that you're hesitant to call friends and family because they are going through their own struggles? I'm wondering if you've had the chance to talk to a professional about this fighting, such as a GP?
I can really see how much care and effort you have been putting into looking after your son and daughter, with movie night and the plans for a nice day out with them. It is really understandable that you need a break. I'm aware that your son and daughter are still preteens, so some of our articles may be a little out of this scope, but Raising Children have some information and advice on sibling fighting which you might find helpful. There is also Parentline as well who offer free and confidential one-on-one support for parents in NSW.
I just wanted to let you know as well that we'll be sending you an email shortly to check in with you so please keep an eye out for that
04-03-2024 05:28 PM
It looks like you’re visiting us from a country other than Australia.
We are an Australian service and think you’d benefit more from looking up a similar service in your country.
You are welcome to look around the forums, but please don’t make an account or post, as we can’t offer you the help you may need.
Before you go ahead and post, you should know that we remove non-Australian accounts – not because we don’t want to help or connect with you, but because we may not be able to provide you with the service that you require.