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13 year old runaway

Discussion forum for parents in Australia


13 year old runaway

My 13 year old son has run away. He has been reported to the police. They contacted me and told me they have seen and spoken to him. He told them he was going to stay at a friends house (this house is known to police). They told me that they could not pick him up and bring him home even though he has been reported missing. Don't know what to do

Re: 13 year old runaway

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Hey @mummaof3boys

Welcome to the ReachOut parent and carer community! Thank you for sharing what you’re experiencing. What’s happened with your 13 year old son is incredibly devastating and frightening to say the least. How long has this been going on for?

 I imagine you might be feeling hopeless with what’s happened with your son and police. Anyone in your shoes would be feeling largely let down by the response from the police, which is completely understandable and valid! Are there any coping strategies that have been helping you cope with this? Looking after yourself is likely the last thing on your mind being a parent under such circumstances. However, it is incredibly important to seek support for yourself too. I am wondering if you have any professional support at present? If you’re interested in additional support, ReachOut offers free 1:1 parent coaching sessions that can be really helpful for you to discuss how you’re feeling and what you’re experiencing at the moment. Sometimes the school your teen attends can also help by putting strategies into place to better support the young person and parents. I am also curious if you’ve spoken to the school about your 13 year old son? 

Relationships Australia Queensland (RAQ) is a leading provider of services that support healthy relationships and wellbeing. RAQ has over 30 centres across Queensland which can be accessed in person, via telephone or Zoom video conference, and online. I encourage you to consider connecting with this service as they may be able to support you and your family during this difficult time. They might also be able to refer you to local services, while trying to connect with your 13 year old son.