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Are we servants to our teenagers? - Dammed if we do dammed if we don't

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Are we servants to our teenagers? - Dammed if we do dammed if we don't

Active scribe

Are we servants to our teenagers? - Dammed if we do dammed if we don't

I just read following from a  concern mom and have same question..

"I get up at 2.30am with my heart pounding and start reading tons of articles about how to improve the situation. The more I read, the more I realize how many mistakes I made: nagging, asking her to clean her room (instead of just picking up her clothes from the floor myself when she wasn't home), remining about the college process, asking to stay off the phone after 11pm, asking to follow up with the college swim coaches, suggesting she eats helthy, etc etc. I could have avoided this heart-ache for everyone if I just left her alone and let her live/do as she pleases. And this is where I get confused - how am I a good mom if I don't really get involved and care how and what she does?"


Are we servants to our teenagers?

Dammed if we do dammed if we don't