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No way forward, no way out

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Active scribe

No way forward, no way out

I need real tangible assistance, how to get him into some sort of accommodation or group home or something so he can maybe be....

Thats is the cry of many parents but govt has no help, Police visits results in nothing

It is  frustrating/

What parents have to do? wait till they get bashed?

Does Reach out compile these cries for help from parents and feedback to govt?

Any politicians on this please please listen to parent's cry for help



Re: No way forward, no way out

Hi @mmjmmj ,

Welcome back to the community. I can hear the frustration you carry around the requests for help that unanswered.

The important questions asked here may be difficult to address with the attention they deserve. I am curious if you have touched base with your local elected leader about the concerns you have raised?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.