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Special Needs kids and Sex

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Prolific scribe

Special Needs kids and Sex

I have a SN child who got involved with a young boy but had no understanding of what was going on. I know the parents lots of DV in their house which is how they all became friends but, I wouldn't have thought this would happen.


I reported to an investigating police officer and the school as well, the police went to the child's home.


SN kids are very vulnerable but the bigger issue was online related which is why I got the police involved. The parents removed his media before it was spread all over the school..


I can tell you I cried endlessly and was devastated, embarrassed for protecting her.. all part of our job but the school offered me counselling and support for the my girls.


Just one of those many issues we face and are completely stunned and speechless but I hope that this may be helpful steps should any of you be unfortunate to have to go through the process of these special kids.



Super contributor

Re: Special Needs kids and Sex

Hey @Lily17 Thank you so much for your post.  It's so important that issues like this are discussed.

I moved your post here, I hope that's ok. I just felt it's a deeper issue than the chill out space deals with and I didn't want it to be missed by others.


My heart just breaks for you both. What a terribly hard situation to be in. May I ask what your daughter's view of was? Did she feel upset, was she ok or was she unaware?