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Trigger warning (image-based abuse/CSA): What options do we have ?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Trigger warning (image-based abuse/CSA): What options do we have ?


Trigger warning (image-based abuse/CSA): What options do we have ?

My daughter is 18 and in college. She just told us that in previous years that a boy from her high school extorted her for sexual photos by threatening to spread a rumor about her. She gave him photos (it’s been three years). Photos were spread around to her classmates. He also drugged her at a party three years prior. Do we have any legal grounds ? Pennsylvania


Re: Trigger warning (image-based abuse/CSA): What options do we have ?

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Welcome to the ReachOut forums @Andrea75 - we're glad you came here for support.

I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your daughter.

It's so courageous of her to share that with you, but it must have been really hard to hear of someone you love going through something so distressing. I'm glad she has your support with this. 

Does your daughter want to take this further legally? If so, has she considered speaking to the police to see if they are able to offer advice.

Unfortunately we aren't able to offer legal advice, but I'm wondering if an organisation like Cyber Civil Rights might be able to offer some guidance or suggestions. 

If you need to talk, we're here for you. Heart