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high school

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Casual scribe

high school

Hi !I have 19 years daughter we have problem she cant or dont wanna graduate high school she fault 2 time she dot wanna study she lie.I dont khow what to do?

Re: high school

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Welcome to the ReachOut forums @amina 

This sounds like a worrying situation for you - we have some information on our website about school, education and teenagers  in case you'd like to have a read through it.

In terms of helping, I think the options would depend a lot on the reasons why your daughter is finding school difficult. 

Have you been able to talk with your daughter about what's happening for her, why it is she's finding school hard, and whether there's anything she thinks might help? 

I'm also wondering whether she has any supports in place - eg. support from school, counselling or other services, or study/academic support?

That's a lot of questions - but it would be great to hear your thoughts. Smiley Happy

Casual scribe

Re: high school

Hi!Yes We talk a lot she just promise but not do even school try to help her. she has home school .Sometimes she do a lot but same time she not do week her work.I talk a lot with teacher we have metting is hard for me I am in work all day she not do all day notning .Even teacher call her she not pick her phone.I dont khow what to do any suggestion you can help me.Thank you.

Re: high school

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Hi @amina it sounds like you are trying your best to help her get to school. It's great to hear that her school are meeting with you. It must be difficult fitting this around your work and day-to-day life. 


When I was young I struggled to go to school, even though I love learning. I was struggling with my emotions and that was making it hard for me to go to school. 


I can't say for sure that this is the case with your daughter, but I'm wondering if you think there could be things happening at school that are making her unhappy? 


Lots of parents are going through this at the moment and we have a space here to chat with other parents if you think that would be helpful. 




Re: high school

I also really struggled with school as a teen. I did really well when I actually tried but it took EVERYTHING in me to even half **bleep**. I struggled with my mental health until my 30s. I ended up having a nervous breakdown and found myself in the psych ward. I always knew something was off. I self diagnosed myself with depression but never sought help. Well after many therapy sessions and psychiatrist visits I was diagnosed Bipolar. After reflecting I am not sure how I didn't see that diagnosis coming. I struggled so hard for too long when I didn't need to. I wish talking about mental health was a priority and there wasn't such a stigma.

Anyway I rambled, I apologize. I would start with looking for a therapist/counselor for your daughter. Even if it's not mental illness, there's something going on. Best of luck 😊

Re: high school

Welcome to the forums @Sweetamysue and thank you so much for sharing your perspective. 

I couldn't agree more with you that I think it's so important to be able to talk about mental health and stigma causes so much damage.

There's absolutely no shame in asking for support - it's courageous to be willing to be vulnerable and put yourself out there and ask for help when you need it. 

Thanks again for being willing to share your story with us - it's really great to have you as part of the ReachOut community. Heart