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6 year old having accidents

Discussion forum for parents in Australia


6 year old having accidents

Hi my 6 year old has an accident almost daily(no2) I’ve literally tried everything to get her to go to the toilet but literally can’t get it through to her, Anyone else with this problem.
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Re: 6 year old having accidents

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Hi @LPrice93 , 


Welcome to the ReachOut  forums! We are targeted at parents of young people aged 12-18 years so we may not be best placed to answer your question, I'm sorry.  As a parent myself, I'd definitely recommend having  chat to your GP if you haven't already - there can be a few causes of kids having accidents (such as chronic constipation), and a GP can be a great starting point for working out what might be going on, and treating any underlying problems .  


Raising Children also has a great resource on faecal incontinence in children here . As they say, it can definitely be challenging and upsetting for both the parents and kids, but there's a lot of strategies that you can try to help, once the cause of it has been narrowed down. 


I hope this helps a bit - wishing you and your 6 year old all the best.