Discussion forum for parents in Australia
12-30-2020 02:57 AM
Hi everyone,
I am a mum to a baby girl and I am now meeting more and more other mums.
About 6 years ago I stopped all contact with my own parents and sister due to reasons I won't discuss here. However, it is always awkward - especially around Christmas time - when new friends and aquaintances ask about my parents or family.
I would love to seeif there are mums with the same experience here and just exchange strategies and chat about how they are dealing with it.
Anyone who has the same or similar expereince?
12-30-2020 01:01 PM
12-31-2020 06:28 AM
But I would be curious if there are any other parents in a similar situation and I would love to get in touch and exchange thoughts and just to see if there are others out there with the same situation?
I feel that this is a topic that is not talked about anywhere. So I am looking for others out there who know what I mean.
01-03-2021 12:37 AM
I have no contact and yes it gets awkward but I learned to live with it, hope it will get easier for you too
01-03-2021 12:58 PM
Hi Loretta
I am newly no contact with my Mum as she's very manipulative and narcissistic. I have 4.5 year old twins (first and only children) and I suffer from mental health issues which have been a long term issue and I'm still navigating medication etc but having her in our lives was proving detrimental to my mental health as well as my relationship with our children and my husband. It's been roughly 6 months and sometimes it's hard but I know I need to find treatment that works, whatever that may be, and get myself in the right headspace before I can consider letting her back into our lives. I know she will bring it all up and how horrible a person I've always been to her, but I can't handle that right now. Who knows. Even if I do get better, I may not even allow her to have contact with us.
I am more than happy to answer any questions you have
Congratulations on your little one
01-03-2021 03:28 PM
01-04-2021 07:03 PM
01-04-2021 08:12 PM
02-24-2021 10:41 PM
It looks like you’re visiting us from a country other than Australia.
We are an Australian service and think you’d benefit more from looking up a similar service in your country.
You are welcome to look around the forums, but please don’t make an account or post, as we can’t offer you the help you may need.
Before you go ahead and post, you should know that we remove non-Australian accounts – not because we don’t want to help or connect with you, but because we may not be able to provide you with the service that you require.