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Extreme disrespect from teenager(15 yrs old).

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Extreme disrespect from teenager(15 yrs old).


Extreme disrespect from teenager(15 yrs old).

My son,14, almost 15 has been very disrespectful for a few years but now it is beyond 'normal' teenage behaviour I'm sure. I just don't know what else to do. he has been grounded, had electronics removed etc but it doesn't seem to teach him a lesson. He is so full of himself no one else matters. I know a lot of this is expected teenage behaviour but this is another level. it's causing major disruptions in our family and has been for a few years.


I'm looking at counselling but the process is slow even if doing it privately. 

any suggestions???


Re: Extreme disrespect from teenager(15 yrs old).

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Hey @AtMyWitsEndMum,

Sounds likes this situation must be really tough on the whole family, sorry you're going through this. You are really trying your best and it's great that you're reaching out for support here and for counselling. Can I ask where you're looking for counselling? It can be a bit of a process getting in to see someone, I'm not sure what options you've tried but there are online/phone services your son might be interested in trying in the meantime including Kidshelpline and eheadspace.  


Parents feeling disrespected by their children is something we talk about a lot on the forum, it's a rough spot to be in and you're not alone in this. We've got some resources here about family conflict and communicating with teens that you might find helpful, link here.

It also could be useful to check out our one-on-one parent coaching service here where you can talk through any issues you're having with a coach from the Benevolent Society.