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How to equip a teenager's room?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

How to equip a teenager's room?

Casual scribe

How to equip a teenager's room?

After my son's suicide attempt, I changed a lot. And even moved to another city. Now I am trying to equip a new house so that it would be comfortable. Tell me what is the best way to arrange a room for my son? He is 16

Prolific scribe

Re: How to equip a teenager's room?

Hi @tijerotmoz , thanks for reaching out. I'm very sorry to hear about your son's suicide attempt, I can completely understand why you've changed a lot after such a huge life event. How are you and your son both doing now?


It's so lovely to hear that you want to make a comfortable home for you and your son, it sounds like you care very deeply about making sure that he has a safe space at home. Have you spoken to him about how he might like his new room to look?