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Is The Gaming Industry a Viable Option for a Career?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Is The Gaming Industry a Viable Option for a Career?

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Is The Gaming Industry a Viable Option for a Career?

In school this week, we were talking about jobs when the students leave school.


I have mostly boys in my class who are OBSESSED with playing the likes of Fortnight, Fifa etc. 


We watched a youtube video recently and it talked about how it is a $157 billion dollar industry and now they are HOOKED on working in Gaming as a career.


What do you think about recommending Gaming as a career to children? I don't want to mislead them down a bumpy path! Cat Indifferent


Any videos/links that I can share with them are welcome!


Thank you in advance!


Frequent scribe

Re: Is The Gaming Industry a Viable Option for a Career?

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Thank you for sharing this with us @kidfitmindset 


Firstly, I’d like to celebrate how great it is that you’re taking an interest in your student’s passions. I can speak from my experience that I was/am definitely interested in this area, and it would have been fantastic for my teacher to have taken an interest and supported me in pursuing my passion. 


There is a tendency to vilify technology because of its newness, but I think that it has definitely opened up many new opportunities for young people. There is a rise of “content creators” and professional video gamers who are creating new norms and demonstrating that it’s okay to pursue what you love. 


There are some helpful resources that may help you as a teacher to understand and support your students. There’s one here about “Young people as content creators, managers and distributors” and another here about “Why it’s important to understand students’ needs and interests”.


I want to thank you again for your support for your students and I’m sure there are community members here who will comment on their experiences too.