05-26-2017 12:57 PM
I though I would share this little story from a Child Therapist on what she thinks good parenting looks like ..
05-26-2017 05:14 PM
I like that a lot. Thanks @GrhRo Do you like her blog?
05-26-2017 05:50 PM
Good parenting means to be present daily, connect and help your child understand their emotions. If your teen says they "feel like crap", ask them, "what does crap feel like to you right now"? Help them out here. Is it angry, sad, frustrated? Help them to develop their emotional intelligence.
05-26-2017 05:54 PM
That's a great description of good parenting @Fizz15
I like your approach to helping teenagers learn to articulate their emotions. It's a really simple and effective way to help them understand their own feelings and, as you say, grow their emotional intelligence.
05-26-2017 08:13 PM
Glad you found it beneficial
Helping our teens connect with real emotions can only reduce anxiety in a world that is filled with fear.
06-26-2017 09:36 AM
I am glad they added the word breathing it is so important! I know when I go to my weekly drowning chi class I am far too busy trying to keep my balance then breathing.
I try so hard to remember but when you are dog paddling with your feet on the bottom of the pool and everyone else is following the instructor, I get out of the pool 45 mins later and breathe as fast as I can to catch up.. rather like parenting!
You know you are a fantastic parent when the kids are in bed and there is a strange noise we don't recognise or believe 12 hrs ago was even possible.
Yet another day survived..
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