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Making friends & chat?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

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Making friends & chat?

Is there any facility on this forum for making friends or chatting with other parents?

I have noticed that when ppl post something mostly there are only 1-2 replies & then it says 'solved' is that correct?

It would be helpful to have a space for parents to chat
Community Manager

Re: Making friends & chat?

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Hey @CatMaman thanks for reaching out and it's great you're wanting to connect with other parents on here Smiley Happy You are more than welcome to connect with others in the community so long as you maintain anonymity and adhere to our community guidelines.

We have found many of the parents and carers coming onto the community tend to post with a specific "issue" they're struggling with, looking for advice or referral. Hence the community member might mark their thread as "solved". Peer support between parents does seem to occur less frequently on here, but it is something we welcome and love to see. 

Sadly, the community can be quiet at times on here so it may be worth also reaching out to other services as well (e.g., headspace's peer support chats).

I hope this helps and you're able to make some connections on here Smiley Happy



Re: Making friends & chat?


I'm interested in making friends and having chats. 


Re: Making friends & chat?

Message contains a hyperlink

Hi @Ciara 

Welcome to the ReachOut Parents and Carers Community. I'm glad to see that you're keen on connecting with others here!

I wanted to let you know that we encourage all community members to remain anonymous for their safety as per our community guidelines.

I hope you're able to find the connection you seek here!