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New member? Introduce yourself here!

Active scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!


Delighted to find this forum

My kids are 12 and 4

My son recently made me laugh when I heard him chatting with his friends, he made a witty comment which all his friends enjoyed. I genuinely laughed and was so delighted to see him happy with his friends.

I am most proud of my children when they are considere and kind to others.

What i do to destress is have a glass of wine with my partner and or watch a movie.

The best thing about weekends is watching my children enjoy their sport.
Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi there @Shortstuff2 , we're so glad you found the forum too!

Your kids sound wonderful - funny and kind! 

I also love having a wine and watching a movie -  great way to destress! 


Hope you find the community helpful and supportive   Heart

Star contributor

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

I can see there are quite a few new members to the forums this week- a huge welcome from us!


@ConfusedMum@Amy123 @MacDuck @NikkiNikki @Helpless86 @Reeze @tracyliz 


This is a space where you can introduce yourself and get to know some of our parents! We look forward to seeing you around the forums Smiley Happy If you have any questions, let us know!


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Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Thanks, Hi all 1. I have a 15yo son and a 13yo daughter, sadly due to difficult circumstances no recent LOL moments 2. Tbh the healthiest way for me to lower my stress levels is to be affectionate/make love to my girlfriend. 3. Currently suffering excruciatingly due to being parentally alienated from my 13yo daughter 4. Tip for parents of teenagers "We have 2 ears and 1 mouth because its twice as important to listen" 5. Making memories and enjoying life

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hey parents.
My son is 12, I am 32.
My son has no close friends at school. Showed me where he hangs at recess n lunch!
Its by himself in an out of bounds area ( has permission from the vice principal) its under n around trees n bushes.
He says he hits his head on the tree! He taps is he's not hurting himself.
Any advice plz n thx Smiley Happy
Active scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi @Helpless86 

I just recently joined the forum so I too am new. I found it helped to even voice my worries so I hope you feel the benefit of sharing.

My son is also twelve and has had some trouble with friends so I hope I can be of some help. There is also a boy in his class who engages in similar behaviour as your son. I have got to know him over the years and I have always felt he needs guidance on how to make friends. Instead of walking up and starting a conversation or inviting a child to play this kid will walk over and push a kid or empty their school bag all over the room or stand aside from a group of children and kick an object. Is it possible your child lacks the skills to interact and the only way he knows to get attention is to 'tap the tree'.

Some practical things might be to access coaching / classes where he can practice the skills needed for friendship.

Maybe ask the school to put a Buddy Bench in the school where children can sit when they need a friend. When a child sits on this it is a sign to othere that they need a friend.

Organise play dates at home where you can observe how he is with others.

Ask him to describe a person who feels he would connect with. What are his interests is it sport, chess, Star Wars and seek out others with similar interest.

I think in general he might need support to express that he wants a friend and then skills in maintaining friendships.

I hope this migt help.

Casual scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!



I'm a parent with 4 children with the eldest being 27 and the youngest 16.


I've been through it all but still new things shock me.


I have two boys and two girls.


To relax and de-stress my fiance' and I go hiking in the bush or bike riding.


My top tip would be to listen and have fun with the kids, if they let you!


The best thing about weekends in getting on the track hiking or bike riding and watching my 16 year old play basketball and our big Sunday morning breakfasts.

Star contributor

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

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Hello to our new community members!


@MacDuck  I really love this quote: "We have 2 ears and 1 mouth because its twice as important to listen". I think it applies to so many aspects of life!


@Helpless86  welcome! Would you be interested in starting a new topic here so we can explore a bit more? There have been some really great suggestions from @Shortstuff2!


@ConfusedMum welcome to the forums! I really loved reading that a highlight of your week was watching your teen play basketball- I can imagine it means a lot to them to have you there too!



If you are new to the community and not sure where to start, you can start a discussion here to tell us about what is happening in your family with your teens. We look forward to getting to know you all better Smiley Happy


Check out our community activities calendar here
Star contributor

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

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This week we have had an amazing number of registrations! For those joining the forums for the first time, a huge welcome from the parents community! This is a great space to introduce yourself to other parents!



@banon65 @Bep02 @Bloempje @Case19 @coparentinghelp @Diamondluv @Dlady @Elle1207 @Essel @JorisJanbr 


If you want to jump straight into making a topic, you can start a discussion here or have a read through some of the posts from other parents in the community. We look forward to seeing you around!


Check out our community activities calendar here
Star contributor

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Also a huge welcome to 

@LizZam @lost1971 @MammaK @Motherof31989 @Ms_Laura @Mummyneedshelp @parentingnewbie @raonitimo  @tomtazz1 @Watto77


Check out our community activities calendar here