1) 28, 22,18 my eldest sent me a link for a personalised number plate for me this morning 2) I would laugh with my kids, and tell myself that they are learning to be there own person, so if it is difficult they are just feeling their way and I am here to help them when they need it. 3)I am a coach, who helps people to feel better and enjoy amazing relationships with themselves and all the people who are around them. My eldest child was a massive learning for me as he has a huge iq, very hyperactive and extreemly emotionaly sensitive. He is also a master maniputater, so an expert on what buttons to push to get reactions from people. He craved attention and found getting negative attention was easy to get. I don't know if any of you know this but negative attention is far better than no attention. there are a lot of studies to prove this. Anyway I felt that no-one had a child who was as hard to parent as I did, and I often hated it when people said "i blame the parents" I thought to myself i love my son and I am doing the best I can. So having gone through many years of guilt and not feeling good enough, I learnt ways to change the story, and although now I am still not the best parent in the world I know I am a great parent. So I joined the community to offer some help to others who may feel as I did, and also if I can help in any way it not only helps the parent to feel better but also helps the children have a better future! 4) top tip Love your child unconditionally, be kind to yourself, its okay to get angry, but try to explain calmly why you are angry. be open and honest with your child 5)having time to spend with my friends, family
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