Hi @Cinders_123 and welcome to the online community!
I'm very sorry to hear that your teen is struggling so much at the moment. It can be incredibly challenging to see your child in pain and to know that there is only so much you can do to help them. With that being said, it sounds like you're making every effort to support your teen, and it's great to hear that you've been in contact with their GP. I'm sorry to hear about the 6 month waitlist for a psychiatrist - unfortunately that's becoming all too common. Perhaps your GP could recommend a psychologist as their waitlist might be a little more hopeful? Otherwise, if you feel as though it may be helpful to you, here's a link to The Mix, who offer mental health support for young people under 25 in the UK. Childline (0800 1111) may also be useful if your teen needs to talk to someone for some immediate short-term support.
You mentioned that your child has been engaging in self-harm lately and that you are becoming concerned by the severity of it. Have they expressed any thoughts of suicide to you, or are you at all concerned for their safety?
Please know that you haven't failed as a parent because your child is struggling. As you speculated yourself, a lot of parents feel this way when their child is experiencing mental health challenges, but it is not your fault that they are feeling this way and and it seems as though you are doing everything possible to find them the support they need. It's so heartwarming to hear that you're creating a safe space for them at home to explore their feelings and to confide in you without judgment - never underestimate the power of this compassion in helping them, because one parent's love can go a long way in making them feel seen and heard.
With everything that has been going on, how are you coping? Do you have anyone in your life to support you while you're supporting your child?
Thinking of you @Cinders_123 , hang in there
P.S. I just wanted you to know that I edited part of your post to ensure that it was safe for the online community to read. If you want any advice on how to post safely on our forums about self-harm, please feel free to have a look at our community guidelines.
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