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Chat with a Young Person about their bullying experience

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Chat with a Young Person about their bullying experience

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Re: Chat with a Young Person about their bullying experience



It was mostly girls who picked on me in primary school. I did have a few incidents with boys in high school. However, a majority was from women. 


From what i experienced, I felt very different to other girls my age. I was loud and had a big personality and wasn't skinny with perfectly straight hair like everyone else. That difference, I feel, was the reason I was bullied. I wasn't like everyone else. And that was seen as a bad thing in another child's eyes

Super contributor

Re: Chat with a Young Person about their bullying experience

So does that mean your teachers noticed first @rubymay


Thank you again for sharing this. Please don't forget to take a break whenever you need one.

Cat Very Happy

Active scribe

Re: Chat with a Young Person about their bullying experience

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Also, it's unbelievable bullying can start so young! Students in primary school might really struggle to advocate for themselves and really need their parents' support.... I noticed Kids Help Line have some specific pages for younger kids that might help:
Special Guest

Re: Chat with a Young Person about their bullying experience



Unfortunatley I didn't initiate a lot of conversations. I felt like i was to blame for a lot of what was happening to me and that nobody was supporting me. 

Super frequent scribe

Re: Chat with a Young Person about their bullying experience

@rubymay. What are your suggestions of ways to deal with bullying?  

Super contributor

Re: Chat with a Young Person about their bullying experience

Thanks @Dani_ Great link.

Super contributor

Re: Chat with a Young Person about their bullying experience

Hi @Maggiemay So great to have you here. Smiley Happy

Special Guest

Re: Chat with a Young Person about their bullying experience



great question 


On a personal level, dealing with bullying can be stressful and cause a lot of anxiety. My best advice is to surround yourself with good people and things that make you happy. You have to remember that there is life and happiness outside of what you are experiencing and that it wont last forever. 


If you're supporting someone who is dealing with bullying, 

I'd strongly reccomend talking to them about it. I was often too scared to speak out. Conversations initiated by my parents and teachers helped me deal with a lot of what i was going through. Unending and unconditional support is paramount. 

Founding member

Re: Chat with a Young Person about their bullying experience

@rubymay I'm really struggling to comprehend bullying so early at school. And I'm so impressed that you can articulate it so clearly. Did the teachers see what was happening? And were they able to do anything? What would you tell those teachers now about what they could do differently to have better supported you?
Super contributor

Re: Chat with a Young Person about their bullying experience

@rubymay sometimes I hear young people say that the bullying got worse after the people doing it were identified and punished by the school.

Was this your experience? Is the risk of that outweighed by the need for the school to intervene?