Discussion forum for parents in Australia
โ04-08-2017 11:38 AM
โ04-08-2017 11:40 AM
I love that @Red21
โ04-08-2017 11:48 AM
โ04-08-2017 02:04 PM
โ04-08-2017 02:21 PM
โ04-08-2017 02:22 PM
โ04-08-2017 05:11 PM
I hear you with the education issue @LovingThruBlue - not happy - but ok. It's a tough one to grapple with as I understand that without her mental health everything suffers anyway. And this is the age to help them best learn how to cope and manage so they will have the best chance of a productive and positive future. But at the same time I've been told since 4th grade not to worry, that she is intelligent and will catch up. But she's missed so much school and basically missed all of years 6 and 9. She's in year 10 now, was doing so well and working so hard, then hasn't finished the last week's work for term 1 and has thrown her future goals away. Her time for catching up is fast running out and it's concerning me! My ok is wavering at the moment!
Lots of love, lots of hugs and an ear always there to listen is all I can suggest in this scary time after the young girls suicide. Just tragic, I have no words.
We had the same thing happen here a couple of years ago. A girl in my daughter's year did the same. It rocked us all. My daughter was in a similar frame of mind as your daughter and I understand your fear and sadness. As I said, I just remained available to her day and night and she even slept in my bed with me for a coulple of nights.
The fact that your daughter is talking to you about it and about how she is feeling, is a big thing. Really! She trusts you enough to be able to tell you. It sounds like you have a good bond with your daughter. Being a trusted and loving outlet is the best thing you can do I think, and you've got that sorted!
Was your daughter close to the girl in her year? Does she want to go to the funeral? I just ask as I had intended to go to the girl's funeral here. My daughter didn't want to though, as she was worried about how she would cope, so we didn't go. I will admit that I felt really bad as I wanted to show support and respect, but I had to put my girl's needs first.
Let us know how things are going. Hugs.
โ04-17-2017 08:24 PM
My son is similar. Sporadically attending school...can I ask what made you get help for your daughter. How did you know she had depression?
I worry my son has it but he is happy around us at home, and our pets. He avoids social interaction..only interacts with online friends on a computer game. Doesnt enjoy school. But how can I tell if hes depressed?
โ04-17-2017 08:37 PM
Have you tried seeing a psychologist with your daughter? Dialectical behaviour therapy is extremely effective at changing behaviour such as self harm, ineffective coping strategies associated with stress or personality disorder.
โ04-17-2017 11:22 PM
Hi @hippychick, My daughter has been under the care of a hospital based CAMHS team which includes a psychiatrist who sees her regularly. She spent some time in an Adolescent Facility (hospital ward) late last year. She self harms and has been suicidal. I found out about her depression after she had a breakdown last August however it seems she had been suffering for some years beforehand & I wasn't aware even though we are a very close family. Once she had the breakdown there was no question she was suffering from a mental illness but it took some time for confirmation that it is severe depression rather than something else. She is currently having different forms of treatment and is on more than one medication for her illness. On the most part I am unaware of what happens during her treatment sessions as she is over 15 so I am not privy to most of what goes on (and yes that sucks). I hope that answers your questions and helps some
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