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Can't get my 16yr old son to school what can I do?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Can't get my 16yr old son to school what can I do?

Prolific scribe

Re: Can't get my 16yr old son to school what can I do?

Holding space 🙏🏻
Unconditional love

You are amazing
That you know .. knowingness
Also that your son is made of you
In that big picture of life and love
He has knowingness as DNA

I feel your heart journey
Amongst many here
And wish to say
Hold space
For u and your son
Through the sadness
Send connection of those special
Memories of your connection through many times lived of joy and ease

Love your sharing 💕🙏🏻
Super star contributor

Re: Can't get my 16yr old son to school what can I do?

I love your poem @Red21, it's beautiful.


Would you mind if I prinited it out to put up on my wardrobe? That's where my reminders for self care, love, positive parenting and forgiveness go so I can see them each night before sleep, and in the morning when I wake up. If I'm feeling lost I go in there and have a read.


I'm glad your son is safe @Aussiemom. It's not an easy situation and so worrying and draining. 


Another option on here is the ReachOut coaching course, done online from home. It's fantastic and they work with your specific issues and offer some great resources and  tools. Maybe have a chat to @Ngaio-RO about it?

Prolific scribe

Re: Can't get my 16yr old son to school what can I do?

Yes please
Do it
Be inspired
Take anything which is offered
And be with what comes with joy and ease
And breathe that in
And repeat daily
Super star contributor

Re: Can't get my 16yr old son to school what can I do?

Thank you so much @Red21! Lovely and inspiring words Smiley Happy