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School refusal and anxiety year 11

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School refusal and anxiety year 11

Casual scribe

School refusal and anxiety year 11

My daughter is in year 11 at the start of term 2 she attempted suicide and the advice was that she  return to school slowly.  She is receiving professional help and is taking medication, but the school is being very hardline about class work - she has completed all the formal assessments; the school friends have also frozen her out and she is super anxious. She is also adamant about finishing year 12 at the same time as everyone else and won't listen to any alternatives. She doesn't want to stay at the current school so I'm at my wits end!

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Re: School refusal and anxiety year 11

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Hi Jurluk, thank you for sharing what is going on for you and your daughter. I’m sorry to hear your daughter attempted suicide. It must have been so painful to watch her go through that.  


I’m happy to hear she is getting the support and medication to carry her after the hard time she has had. Do you have a support network around you at the moment? Friends, family or even a psychologist?  


In regards to the school refusal, as stressful as it is, it is something a lot of parents are chatting about at the moment. We actually have a bunch of other parents chatting about it on this thread here. You are so welcome to join the discussion if you feel called to. 


You may have already tried this but I’m wondering if there is any support/advocacy your daughter's psychologist can provide to the school. It must be frustrating that they are taking a hard approach.


The last two years of school are stressful at the best of times, it would be great if the school could get on board with supporting your daughter to get to the finish line.

Active scribe

Re: School refusal and anxiety year 11

My child is in year 11...its the worst time for concerns and the school system not allowing considerations. I'm not sure its the same state to state but here we have an application you can lodge for "reasonable adjustments" to be made. You may need to speak with their doctor to start this process because they a likely needed to sign/disclose evidence with the application. I had never heard about this until my teens psychologist mentioned this to me.
Try to look into this asap....if their health is bad, reasonable adjustments need to be considered for re sitting tests, exams etc. 
If your doctor cant put you on the right track with this, ask the school where/how to apply for the school to be able to make reasonable adjustments for students where necessary to enable their access and participation.