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Teen dating

Discussion forum for parents in Australia


Teen dating

Teen daughter 13. Obsessed with boy, he asks her out. She says yes. They chat online, are in the same class but are keeping it a secret so not much interaction at school.
2 weeks in she’s feeling she doesn’t like him and she’s got the ick. Can’t explain, doesn’t know why. He was a friend before and is lovely, thoughtful, respectful. I don’t know how to help her. Any tips

Re: Teen dating

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Hi @Amparent 


Welcome to the ReachOut Parent’s forum, we are so glad you have found us! Break ups can be so tricky at any age especially when you still care about the person, it’s no wonder your daughter is feeling confused. They are very lucky to have you supporting them through this.

We have some articles on our website you could read about romantic relationships and how to help your teen through a break up. I also wonder if you may like to share these articles on breaking up respectfully and breaking up with someone you still care about with your daughter?

It sounds like you have an open and communicative relationship with your daughter which is amazing, I am wondering what other supports your daughter has? Does she have a good friend she also feels able to confide in?

Thank you for opening up to us. 

Parent/Carer Community Champion

Re: Teen dating

Hi Amparent,

Teenage dating is a tough topic and I wasn't sure I had much to contribute. However, maybe she's just needing to ease into dating a bit and the reality was a bit much. There's so much to navigate and it's tricky. It seems to me like you are really close to your daughter and have great communication. One recommendation which comes up here in how talking in the car is a good way of connecting with your teen. While we're told that maintaining eye contact is important in conversation, sometimes this more indirect sitting side-by-side communication can be less confronting and more effective. It's the same thing with going for a walk together or going fishing. 

Hope that helps.

Best wishes,
