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Virtual vce

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Virtual vce


I’m looking for information about online learning or virtual learning for my son.
This is just so we can get his mental health sorted out. As previously stated we have tried everything and this is a last resort.

Thanks Smiley Happy
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Re: Virtual vce

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Hi @Lenny80, I'm really glad to hear that you've been looking at alternative education options to best support your son. Unfortunately, the traditional education system in its current form, can often be exclusionary to students who need some considerations to best support them and their learning. I was able to find a couple of resources which might help you and your family when looking into Virtual VCE options Smiley Happy The education department of Victoria has an information page here which details some information about study options for students wishing to learn online. They also list the Virtual School Victoria, which is a government virtual/distance education school which offers full-time study options for students wishing to learn from home. You can take a look at their website here, and their enrolment page here, which lists their 5 enrolment categories and the requirements for enrolling at the school. From the sounds of your post, I believe your son would be able to qualify for the medical (social/emotional) category.


I hope this helps! Please keep us updated on how you go Smiley Happy