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Working Mum with 4 dependent daughters

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Working Mum with 4 dependent daughters


Working Mum with 4 dependent daughters

I struggle to balance myself with parenting, working and wife responsibilities.
Sometimes I think I cant. Sometimes I think I dont want to.
Every other time I do my absolute best.
I feel like I am going to have a heatt attack most of the time.
What should I be doing to gain that emotional balance and control?
Star contributor

Re: Working Mum with 4 dependent daughters

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Hi @Emzopima-4 , 


Thanks so much for your post. I've copied it into the google form so that your question will reach our Ask A Professional night, and we will tag you when the response it up. It can sometimes be a bit of a wait depending on how many other questions are waiting, so I'm also moving this post to it's own thread on the forums, so that you can get more advice and support from our parents community. I hope that's OK Smiley Happy 


I can really hear the weight of responsibility in your words, and I feel for you - I am also a working mum with two kids, and it can definitely be a challenging juggle at times! I think it's something that a lot of parents struggle with, and I'm really glad you've come here for support. 


One thing I find really helpful is remembering to ask for help when I need it, and remind myself that I am not superwoman! It can be really easy for us to put ourselves last when there' s so many other responsibilities - but I find I'm a much better parent when I'm able to take some time to look after myself. Things I find helpful are getting exercise and listening to podcasts, having time to myself (even if it's just a hot cup of tea on the deck before the rest of the family is awake), and making sure I book in time to spend with my friends. 


Sometimes, it can be helpful to speak to a professional to help learn ways to manage our stress - do you think this is something that could be helpful for you? 


There is a free service available for 1-1 support if you think that it would be helpful to talk these issues through


Thinking of you - thanks so much for reaching out here.