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Are easy to study in year 12 for the students have ADHD

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Are easy to study in year 12 for the students have ADHD


Are easy to study in year 12 for the students have ADHD

Can anyone help me please

Frequent scribe

Re: Are easy to study in year 12 for the students have ADHD

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Hi @Sojogad welcome to the forums. I can imagine year 12 to be quite a stressful time - especially for someone with ADHD. I believe your best bet would be to seek some extra support from the school - you can find out more about potential accommodations that can be made either by contacting the school directly, or you can have a look at some of the information available via the QLD govt website here and here. There's also a fantastic resource called ADDitude Mag that has a whole bunch of readings and resources to support people with ADHD - here's their section on parenting & on school & learning

It might be helpful for us to provide you further support if we know a little more about what is happening. What in particular is your child struggling with at the moment? Do they have any supports already in place you could access? What sort of support do you think would be most helpful? 

I hope this helps, and let us know if there's anything in particular that could be helpful to explore Smiley Happy