08-05-2017 02:48 PM
08-05-2017 05:37 PM
Namaste @Red21. I've been thinking about you recently, and here you are! I'm glad to hear your news, and things sound to be going along pretty well
"I don't LIFE well". What an articulate way for a teen to bundle 'the crap' together. Clever soul she sounds. One that's maybe been here before?! Your son's excursion sounds like a wonderful experience for him. Mine does distance ed too, but refuses to attend any excursions or events. I really wish she would as it goes towards her overall results.
How well do I LIFE? Well, sometimes I reckon I've got it sorted, others I think life has me sorted! It's all a learning curve though, and our experiences give us character. Overall, I think I do well, I just get very tired.
I am feeling pretty good lately. I'm putting on weight and have been working hard at the gym, and that is really good for my mind.
I'm now resolute in the types of people and behaviour I will accept in my life. My thought patterns are changing, and I'm slowly healing.
I'm enjoying what I'm doing in life at the moment. I'm pretty happy about that!
08-05-2017 06:32 PM
08-05-2017 07:06 PM
08-05-2017 07:37 PM
Some great points there @Red21 thankyou....
I suppose we try and control because we think we cant cope with the alternative - with what would happen if we just let it all happen. The breathing is a huge factor - I often find myself actually holding my breath!
Thankyou, lots to think about
08-05-2017 11:02 PM
Hey @Beingme2017, it's really hard letting go sometimes hey. I really cannot add much to @Red21's words as I think it's great advice.
We're really hard on ourselves when there's a clash between what we know and what we feel. You've got a lot on your plate at the moment, be kind to yourself.
09-26-2019 09:11 PM
Thanks to share !! I found great points here.
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