03-20-2023 09:07 PM
03-20-2023 09:57 PM
Hi @RachelB and welcome to the online community. It sounds like things are really rough for you and your daughter at present, so it's great you've decided to reach out to us for some extra support.
We have some resources around school refusal, as it is quite an issue for many parents in Australia. This post may be a good place to start, and has some further reading there too. We also have an article, Everything you need to know about school refusal - hope this helps.
Let us know if you have any questions and feel free to continue to post as needed, and we will do our best to support you through this difficult time.
03-21-2023 04:03 PM
Hi again @RachelB , from what you've explained here it sounds as though your daughter is quite reluctant to go to school at the moment, which must be incredibly hard for you to manage as a parent. I'm curious as to how long your daughter has been pushing back against the idea of going to school? You mentioned in your other thread that her self-harm began around the same time that she started high school - has she been struggling with school refusal since then too?
You mentioned that you think that anxiety and avoidance might be involved in your daughter's school refusal - has she mentioned anything in particular that might make her anxious about going to school?
It looks like you’re visiting us from a country other than Australia.
We are an Australian service and think you’d benefit more from looking up a similar service in your country.
You are welcome to look around the forums, but please don’t make an account or post, as we can’t offer you the help you may need.
Before you go ahead and post, you should know that we remove non-Australian accounts – not because we don’t want to help or connect with you, but because we may not be able to provide you with the service that you require.