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Active scribe


OMG,when will this nightmare end


Intervieved new support workers on Friday,Thinking that my sons support coordinator had set up a support shift for this Saturday,only to find out

1 she didn't set up support shift 

2 cant access support until service agreement is signed

3 busted my **bleep** all weekend to get stock ready for market on Saturday

4 now I just want to scream wtf at the top of my lungs

5 don't know if we actually have a support worker company

6 no Market on Saturday

7 no further shifts appointed



Re: support

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Hey @Butterflymagic,

It's nice to hear from you again! It's good to hear that your son has a support coordinator. Although I can hear the frustration around the coordinator not setting up support shifts and being unable to access support until the service agreement is signed. I'd like to take a moment here to acknowledge the continuing efforts you have made to support yourself and your son. From your past posts, I can see that you have faced ongoing challenges with access to services and support, while navigating your own health journey, and supporting your son and his needs. There is no doubt that you are incredibly resilient and are doing the best you can, it's amazing and so inspiring! 

I can also hear that you worked hard to prepare stock for an upcoming market that turned out to be cancelled. I can hear that this would've been really frustrating for you, wanting to scream at the top of your lungs. It sounds like this week has been a nightmare for you to navigate, which is completely understandable! I am wondering if you have been able to engage in any self-care activities recently? 

In case you're interested in 1:1 support, ReachOut offers free professional coaching for parents and carers of 12–18-year-olds in Australia. You might find these sessions helpful for you while you navigate these ongoing challenges. 

I hope this is helpful for you and look forward to hearing from you soon! 

Active scribe

Re: support

It would be nice to access coaching sessions but ,it looks like there is nothing available until 22 October,I think I would need to access it earlier due to other commitments.

we also had a unplanned trip to the local A and E a week ago ,so things are not going well for us.


Re: support

Message contains a hyperlink

Hey @Butterflymagic ,

I'm glad to hear that you're interested in the Parent Coaching sessions and have explored the link provided! It's understandable that you would need to access support sooner than the 22nd of October. I do encourage you to check back in as often as you can, as cancellations due occur! Parentline is available in every state and may be able to provide suggestions in the meantime. If you are under the NDIS, you might also want to speak to a support coordinator about what's been happening for you too.

I'd like to let you know that an email has been sent to you to check in offline, so please keep an eye out for that.

Active scribe

Re: support

Still struggling to find support for my son.

have been on the phone and computer all day.

feel like giving up.


Re: support

Message contains a hyperlink

Hi Butterflymagic,


It’s great to hear from you! I can hear how frustrating it is trying to find support and can see you’re trying your best to navigate this for a while now.


I am wondering if you’ve been able to receive support for yourself as well while you’re trying to work out next steps? While it sounds like you’re doing everything you can for your son, it’s also important not to forget about your own wellbeing. I want to encourage you to continue staying connected with the community and reach out to Parentline for additional support. Here is also a list of parent and family support organisations that might be helpful.

Active scribe

Re: support

Hi again 

I literally spent all day yesterday on the phone and online trying to seek help for myself only to find there was no support out there for me.

Still looking for support workers for my son ,half of our support got sorted this morning ,still  need to find in-home supports like shopping ,cleaning , meal prep ect