Discussion forum for parents in Australia
02-24-2018 08:19 AM
02-24-2018 08:30 AM
Hi Girlfish,
That's wonderful your son has friends at school and is involved in activities. Also fabulous that he has a loving family and you do things together. They are great positives.
I have a family member whose son is very similar. Has lots of friends at school, is involved in school activities and does things as a family.
Does it concern your son that he doesn't see friends after school? If it doesn't, I wouldn't be too concerned. If he had little contact at school and was unhappy there, I would make some changes, however if he seems well adjusted....don't be concerned!
Everyone is different and if your son is content with things the way they are then that's fine! If you are really concerned then maybe ask him to ask a friend along to a family outing?
My family member used to be concerned about this issue too but now realises that her son is happy being just who he is.
Difference is a celebration.
02-24-2018 08:58 AM
Hi @Girlfish, welcome to the forums. I agree with @Sister. I have a son who rarely socialises with friends. He too attends family outings and is pleasant when people come to visit. He has been like this since he was about 16 years old. He is now 19. He is bright, eats and sleeps well, doing great academically and occasionally goes surfing with his father. We were troubled at first by what we considered unsocial behaviour however, realised it was us who was worrying and that our expectations were based around what we considered "normal". Our son seems content and healthy and we have grown to understand his personality and respect his choices. Hope this is helpful.
02-24-2018 09:37 AM
Thanks for sharing @Girlfish
It looks like others have had some similar experiences and I tend to agree, if your son isn't concerned or upset about it then I probably wouldn't worry too much. Perhaps he's the type of person that is social (at home and youth group) but also needs some time at home or alone to recharge a little bit?
02-24-2018 04:43 PM
02-24-2018 04:45 PM
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