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15 yo boy with severe depression and anxiety following a long illness

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15 yo boy with severe depression and anxiety following a long illness


Re: 15 yo boy with severe depression and anxiety following a long illness happy that your son is doing well at this moment. Don't be concerned about the medication.......people take insulin for diabetes.....why should medications for the brain be any different?


Having written that....I struggled with the idea for a long time.....but placing my son on antidepressants has physiologically helped him to sleep better and improve his mood.


Not a cure.....the therapy has been really beneficial....but the behaviours....a different story! Swearing, manipulating, throwing things around the name it!

I am not giving up (though have despaired at times) and are having some respite at the moment....most important!


Have cried a lot of tears (now that he is staying temporarily with family) but it feels good letting it out! For those of you who believe crying to be a sign of "weakness".....I believe it to be a "strength".


Keep going with all that your doing Schooner......hopefully my son will get there one day too.

Active scribe

Re: 15 yo boy with severe depression and anxiety following a long illness

@Sister SO appreciate your words.
Yes, we are all doing the best we can in working through each day. Agree wholeheartedly about looking after ourselves, but it’s tough, you’d give anything to help your child even if it puts your own health at risk.
Baby steps is my motto. This works most days, hang on for the others.
Pleased to say we’ve had a better week so here’s hoping he can settle on the meds.
Thanks again x
Active scribe

Re: 15 yo boy with severe depression and anxiety following a long illness

Just wanted to say thanks for the feedback re outpatient services. I have been able to shortcut this process and he has a psychiatric review in a weeks time. They reviewed his file and said he easily fits the criteria. Disappointing aspect is that they have questioned why the hospital didn’t refer him 6 weeks ago when he was released, I suspect it slipped through the cracks. Can’t focus on what could have been though, grateful for the support now.
Thanks again
Prolific scribe

Re: 15 yo boy with severe depression and anxiety following a long illness

Glad to help TD,


It is disappointing we don't get the full picture. The system is rusty and wonky in places. Generally the people involved are either good or fantastic (sometimes not). That's one of the strengths of this forum I think, learning what others have done.


If I may offer one more piece of advice: keep a tight hold of your paperwork! I make copies at home, so when a well-meaning, overworked Dr in the ED says "I'll just take a look at that report if that's OK" and disappears into the night forever, you will still have a copy.


As you said, baby steps. Hopefully most of those are in the right direction.
