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Caught 14 year old daughter smoking pot in her room...

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Caught 14 year old daughter smoking pot in her room...

Active scribe

Re: Caught 14 year old daughter smoking pot in her room...



She did return this morning at 5:30 am. I was up from 3-6 am, so I have just been exhausted. I am not doing to well with this. I just feel like a failure and very emotional. I think I'm getting depressed because I already have mental health issues. 


I have 2 sons and she is my girl, and first born, so this is really sad. I scheduled a therapy appt. but they can't get me in for a month. My daughter is going to her first therapy appt. tomorrow and addiction group, so I am just not sure how it will go.


Thank you.

Prolific scribe

Re: Caught 14 year old daughter smoking pot in her room...

Hey there @back2schoolmom

Sorry I didn't get back to you, crazy 24hrs too though in different ways.

You're going to need some support on this for yourself. Have you signed up for RO Parent session on here? 

It's time to make a bit of a long term plan here and step back a little from the crisis mode; I'm worried about you. Please call the Lifeline or Parent help numbers if you just need a good chat for now to get you through?

Keep us posted and a big hug for you x

eyintas/Empowering Youth in Tasmania
Active scribe

Re: Caught 14 year old daughter smoking pot in her room...

Hi. It's been very bad at our house, so I haven't been able to respond. Things are worse. She snuck out again this morning at 3 AM and hasn't returned. We called her friends, filed a report, also filed a report about the parents who were smoking pot in front of the kids and giving them edibles (including my daughter) to the police. My daughter found out and is very upset with us. I don't know if she'll come back now. I feel like I'm doing everything wrong, even though I am just trying to protect my daughter. Luckily, we've been working with a really great counselor. She lets me call her anytime.

This is so heartbreaking.

Active scribe

Re: Caught 14 year old daughter smoking pot in her room...

Hallo @back2schoolmom,


I am very sorry to hear about the latest developments.


A friend of mine went through a similar thing a few years ago where their 16 year old daughter run away after they filed a report against her boyfriend and parents.

It took a while, but she came back.

At first my friend phoned her daughter, left voice messages and send texts. She got frustrated and the messages and texts got aggressive. After a few days she realised that might be why her daughter did not answer or reply.

From then on she send her 2 text messages a day. The first one in the morning when she woke up to say good morning, I love you and the second one at night around 6pm to say that she still love her no matter what and she hope her daughter is safe, fed and has got somewhere warm and comfortable to sleep.

The text messages varied a bit every day so that it did not seem copied and pasted, but after a while her daughter came home.


I guess what I am trying to say is let her know you love her, do not judge her and want her safely home and get her help.


Good luck and I hope you hear from her soon.

Super star contributor

Re: Caught 14 year old daughter smoking pot in her room...

Hi @back2schoolmom, I've been reading through your posts and hearing how worried, stressed and down on yourself you were with all that was going on. I think you were doing everything you could, but still as parents, it's not uncommon for us to blame ourselves when our kids aren't doing so well. I understand that feeling very well, and wanted to check in with you and see how you've been over the past month?






Re: Caught 14 year old daughter smoking pot in her room...

The problem is, when I go to sleep earlier I don’t get that full eight or nine hours; I usually wake up at 5 or 6 AM so I’m still getting the same amount of sleep I would if I was closing my eyes at 1 or 2 AM.I am aware that sleeping regimens need time to kick in with the cycle, but it’s been months now and I have no reprieve. Should I see a doctor? Take medication? 
Sucks, man. By like 3 or 4 PM I start dozing off again, and I come home and I just want to take a nap. Lack of energy, which impacts my gym regimen and general welfare. I don’t want to do chores, or work, or even play video games in my down time because staring at the screen tires me out.

Star contributor

Re: Caught 14 year old daughter smoking pot in her room...

Hi @Lochan welcome to the forums I needed to edit that post due to our community guidelines - no external commercial websites without RO's consent. Heart We are definitely here to listen though Smiley Happy


Have you tried a sleep diffuser for sleep, or sleepy teas?