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Kids being abused bye ex partner parents metal and physical abuse how do I help them

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Kids being abused bye ex partner parents metal and physical abuse how do I help them

Active scribe

Kids being abused bye ex partner parents metal and physical abuse how do I help them

How do I help my step sons from bein mantel abused and physical abuse by my parners ex boyfriend parnets they r very disent to me and and my new boyfriend and dont what I can do and who I can ask for help can anyone advise me please
Active scribe

Re: Kids being abused bye ex partner parents metal and physical abuse how do I help them

They r very different after being there for the fornight towards me and partner they have bruse on them for talking about us they get there hair pulled out of there head in tennis ball size chunks out there heads to point t that the hair hasnt grown back and they rin
Active scribe

Re: Kids being abused bye ex partner parents metal and physical abuse how do I help them

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Frequent scribe

Re: Kids being abused bye ex partner parents metal and physical abuse how do I help them

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Hi @Bigash thanks for sharing your situation with us. It sounds quite distressing and I would like to rephrase the situation just to make sure we are understanding it correctly: you are worried about your partner's children as you believe they are being mentally and physically abused by your partner's ex-partner's parents. Is that correct? Also, what are the ages of the children?


If you strongly suspect they are experiencing violence in their home (and you do believe this), then there are organisations you must contact and they will help you through this situation:


- Your local police. If you suspect child abuse you contact police and they can shed light on this matter.


- Depending on the State/Territory you're in, you can call the relevant Child Protection authorities. Here's a website that has links to each State/Territory's contact organisation:


- The Child Wise National Child Abuse Helpline (Monday to Friday) 1800 99 10 99. According to their website: "The Child Wise National Child Abuse Helpline is a toll-free  number providing Australians with access to expert advice from trained counsellors and an opportunity to speak up about child abuse."


- Lifeline 13 11 14 - they are available 24/7 so you can talk to a counsellor right away.


This is a terrible situation and I am really sorry for the pain you and your partner must be experiencing. Perhaps you feel helpless but please know that there are resources and experts who can guide you through this. To begin with, they can help you have a conversation with the children to find out more about what is going on. 


Please hang in there and keep us updated on this. 



Super frequent scribe

Re: Kids being abused bye ex partner parents metal and physical abuse how do I help them

Hi @Bigash what you are describing must be extremely difficult for you.


The organisations recommended by @Mona-RO are there to help you and your family. Please be strong and contact somebody to help you work through what is happening. 


Keep us updated, we are all here for you.

Super contributor

Re: Kids being abused bye ex partner parents metal and physical abuse how do I help them

 Hi @Bigash I completely agree with what's been said.

If your children or children you know, because you don't have to be related to them biologically, are being hurt then you have a duty to do something to protect them. But we can help. 

Please let us know how you're doing.  

Super contributor

Re: Kids being abused bye ex partner parents metal and physical abuse how do I help them

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Hi @Bigash


I just wanted to let you know that we're really concerned about you and your step-sons.  We'd like to help you get some support for them. It's not ok for anyone to hurt them.

If they are under 16 you can put in a notification with Family and Community Services if you look at this page, click here and it will explain what to do.

You can report the abuse to the police if they are over 16 or under.

It's really important they don't go there anymore.


Hoping to hear from you. I'll try you on email again.



Active scribe

Re: Kids being abused bye ex partner parents metal and physical abuse how do I help them

I think that if they are not 16 years old, then you need to turn to the police. Because violence against children is a crime.

Active scribe

Re: Kids being abused bye ex partner parents metal and physical abuse how do I help them

Morning everyone the kids ages r 4and 6 and we have rang docs daily for four months and a so call the police quite often as well it just seems to fall on def ear no one wont to help we have been hoing through court to get the kids back and atm only get fornightly supervision visit by the court we have ask for doctor reports for the elders boy cause where someone had pull a big chuck of hair out of his head and is still infected but the doctors said they havnt seen him so still dont no wat to do where from nsw and the government is worried about where there going to get there next hoilday from wat about the kids
Super contributor

Re: Kids being abused bye ex partner parents metal and physical abuse how do I help them

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Thanks so much for replying @Bigash I am so sorry to hear how hard this is for you and the boys.  It's hard enough to go through a break-up and try and organise custody let alone having to deal with the boys being hurt and nothing happening to change it.  Those poor kids. I really hope you all get a good solution soon.


You already have DoCS and the police involved. Which is great. Because there's a record of the abuse and your concerns.


How is your legal representation? If you need legal advice you can try Law Access, click here, they give free legal advice over the phone. Or you can click here to search for the closest Community Legal Centre. They have times when you can go in and get free face to face advice as well as arrange representation.


The other option might be looking onto advocacy groups who could support you through this. Or do you feel like you have all the support you need?