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Discussion forum for parents in Australia

New member? Introduce yourself here!

Active scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

@Sophie-RO @Stormy-RO @Chloe-RO  I might as well be a dot on the fly as I feel like Im getting rejected everywhere I ask for help not only for my son but also for me


Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi @Butterflymagic 

It's totally understandable that you feel frustrated and exhausted when you and your son aren't getting the help you need. The fact you've worked so hard to continue looking for options shows your dedication as a parent, especially as you mentioned you are looking for support for both of you. @Chloe-RO has provided some great online and telephone-based services across Australia. Maybe some of these could help to get your story out there to more supports who can listen?

If you're comfortable, we'd love to hear more about your story and any networks you have in your family or friends. You also mentioned that you're quite isolated from services- how are you managing your stress and isolation at the moment?

Thank you for coming online to share your experiences- feel free to use these forums to connect with other parents as you're not alone in your struggles Heart


Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi Everyone,

I'm probably a slightly older mum of 2 amazing teenagers.  We've had our tough times, the 'experimenting' and the push back but I can honestly say we have come through it and I'm just so proud of them both.  My daughter has autism and learning disabilities and is currently in year 10.  She also has a few health issues which leave her in a lot of pain and ongoing migraines and headaches are an every day occurance for her.  My son did a painter apprenticeship and is now working for an amazining compmany - in fact he goes for his drivers license at the end of the month so very proud of him.  


My questions and / or issue are as follows.  My daughter is too tired to manage school.  And she cant cope with full days at school.  She wants to do something else.  But she's in an AMAZING education support unit with only 7 kids in class and lets be honest - she's got it GOOD - but between her anxiety, health and other issues she just cant manage it.  I'm happy to home school her.  No problem.  Easy.  But what about after school?  What will she do?  Who will hire her?  She intellectually can't do a Certificate or a course.  She doesn't have the stamina (or desire) to be a hairdresser or beauty technician (please - i'm not saying they are good careers for intelligent non-impaired people).  I just don't know how she will look after herself in the event that I get hit by truck or something.  It's not fair to expect my son to look after for life and I'm doubting she will want a standard/physical/nomrmal relationship with anyone.  And even if she does one day get married - what if it's a bad marriage and she doesn't know how to look out for herself and has nobody to turn to?


I just don't know what will happen to her and I'm very sad when I think about it.


Thanks for listening.




Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

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Hi @Holly8 , welcome to the ReachOut community, and thank you for coming online and sharing a bit about your family’s story with us Smiley Happy

It's clear that you love and care deeply for your children, and it’s heart-warming to hear how proud you are of them both. Your son’s accomplishments and your daughter’s strength in dealing with her health concerns are truly inspiring. 

I’m really sorry to hear about the challenges your daughter is facing at school at the moment. Navigating school can be tough for any teenager, let alone for a young person dealing with ongoing physical and mental health issues. It’s great to hear that she is well-supported at her school. I wonder if the school has any advice to offer around alternative schooling options that might better accommodate her needs? 

In addition to the support from her school, is your daughter receiving any support with her mental and physical health challenges? There are many support services out there for people with disabilities and their families. You might find Amaze to be a helpful starting point in exploring additional support.  

It’s completely natural to worry about your daughter's future. As a parent, I'm sure you want nothing more than to make sure that your children are safe and able to take care of themselves. There are many ways to assist your daughter in becoming more independent and prepare her life beyond school (Amaze might be a good place to start). And when the time comes for your daughter to consider a career, please know that there are diverse and countless employment possibilities. There are many employment options, programs and services designed to support people living with disabilities in finding meaningful and fulfilling work. 

Supporting a young person through these challenges can be emotionally draining. Remember to prioritise your own well-being, and take moments for self-care and rest when needed. 

Please feel free to use these forums to connect to parents or simply share your thoughts. You are never alone in the challenges you face. We are here to listen and support you.

Active scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

I think I am too old for this reach out as I have four children in their 40's

Hmmm  I am not a big one on laughter, but my grand children who are aged from 5 years up to 26 years old, they make me laugh.

Yes parenting can be stressful.  In the 80's we used to go to parenting classes looking for help.  I love listening to music loud and going to certain venues to view and listen to musicians.  Love Blues music, no not all the slow stuff.  My mother passed away two years ago and it has taken until now to get back into music and taking photos.  I have not been on facebook for two years as it would add to more stress and sadness.

I have been Googling for help for weeks and finally came across Reach Out as I was looking for help for myself and to read other parents battles.

Hmmm tips for parents with teenagers.  No matter what always be there for them, through good and bad.  

Weekends are another day as I am a retired.  I have seen battles of even my grand children's teenage years and my hubby and I were always there to help.   We would take them away camping or get a cabin in a National Park at the beach.


Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi @LeeBelle , welcome to the ReachOut community! I’m so glad you decided to reach out here. You’re never too old to reach out for support, we could all use a little help and connection sometimes - grandparents included.  

It sounds like you have a wealth of life experience and wisdom to offer, especially when it comes to your own children and grandchildren. It’s heartwarming to hear that your grandchildren bring laughter to your life. I imagine that their youthful energy and joy can truly brighten any day. 

Your dedication to your family is truly admirable. Being there for them no matter what and creating those special memories, like camping trips, make a real impact. I really like your parent tip, and think it is an invaluable one at that. 

I’m really sorry to hear about your mum. Losing someone so important to you is incredibly tough. I noticed you mentioned that you’ve been looking for some help for yourself. Please feel free to start your own thread to chat about what’s on your mind. We will do our best to support you. 

I hope you find what you’re looking for here Smiley Happy

Casual scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi, I'm a single mum who is trying her best to raise a kind and caring son. Lately I feel like I'm failing at parenting and it's been really tough. I always try to tell him that being kind and respectful is important.

Frequent scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hey @AngelMum3 and welcome to the Parents Forum. I hope you find this to be a supportive and caring community. 


I'm sorry to hear that things are so challenging for you. It can be incredibly tough to be a single mum, especially in our modern world. You're doing amazingly by taking the time to encourage your son to be kind and respectful. I think it's normal for a lot of people to feel like they're failing when facing the kinds of challenges that come with raising a kid. But the fact that you're on here looking for support, that you take the time to sit with your son and talk to him, that says you're striving to do your best for the benefit of your child. I can really hear how much you care. 


If you want to, you're welcome to start a thread of your own, if you think it could be helpful to share your story with us. You can also have a look around at other threads and see if there's any stories or insights from other parents that resonate with your experiences. Let us know if you have any questions or would like any support along your journey Smiley Happy


Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi Marie23
I have 3 kids 15,13 and 11.
My eldest has recently been diagnosed with in attentive adhd and anxiety..
I'm reaching out to other parents who can give me some advice?

Casual scribe

Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!

Hi, thank you, I’ll do that but does it matter that my son isn’t a teenager? Thank you