Discussion forum for parents in Australia
06-21-2017 08:49 PM - edited 06-21-2017 08:50 PM
That makes perfect sense, thank you @Emily_May
To take it just one step further, in that kind of scenario, would practising mindfulness mean we engage with the young person without thinking what tomorrow might bring and staying only in the moment?
I'm thinking in terms of safety plans etc. A lot of the standard approaches seem steeped in history or future.
06-21-2017 08:50 PM
Thanks @taziness - we sometimes need to be reminded by mantras that quickly re-orientate ourselves. I like the image of dropping down to the still place at the bottom of the ocean, watching the stormy waves crash above without being tossed around by them.
06-21-2017 08:53 PM
@Ngaio-RO - Yes, staying in the present moment with a young person in serious distress is so important. this sends the message that no matter how big and scary the situation, that you can be there for them in it. Once the distress has settled, the emotions have calmed down and the young person can better access the 'CEO' part of their brain, then something like safety planning can come in handy. But the best safety planning of all is helping young people 'ride out' difficult emotions, reach out for help and stay connected to what matters to them
06-21-2017 08:53 PM
06-21-2017 08:54 PM
I love the idea of mantras as reminders.
06-21-2017 08:55 PM
@taziness - the Smiling Mind and Headspace apps are a great starting point. other apps include 'relax and rest' and 'simply being' which help provide guided mediation and mindfulness exercises.
06-21-2017 08:56 PM
That's wonderful @Emily_May Thank you for that. I think that will be very helpful for a lot of parents.
Ok, last questions people. @taokat @LovingThruBlue @taziness @motherbear
06-21-2017 08:56 PM
Dan siegal is a great thought leader around mindfulness and young people and his book 'brainstorm' is a great resource.
06-21-2017 08:56 PM
That's it isn't @Emily_May - showing them that we can cope with whatever they come to us in need of help with. Fantastic tips!!
06-21-2017 08:57 PM
Am I right in remembering you don't like Smiling Minds @taziness
I'm keen to find others too as I'm sure there must be others like yourself.
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