05-10-2018 11:12 PM
05-10-2018 11:18 PM
05-11-2018 06:41 PM
Hi @Alaya thank you for sharing with us and welcome to ReachOut. I'm sorry to hear that your daughter has experienced bullying, that's a terrible situation to have been in. It sounds like you are doing everything you can to support her. Regarding her social anxiety and not wanting to leave the house, would she be open to something like online support as a starting point? eheadspace and Kids Helpline (14-25 years) provide an online web chat or telephone counselling support which she might find useful. I'll also tag some of our other members for further support and advice @Sister @taokat @sunflowermom @Schooner
05-11-2018 06:47 PM
05-11-2018 07:43 PM
05-12-2018 01:14 PM
@Alaya Wow you have tried so many avenues well done. I can sense so much love and care for her. It must be exhausting at times moving through this process. Have you managed any downtime for yourself?
Are there any other clinical avenues you have thought of trying? Services outside of headspace and the GP?
There's also of course some of the alternative therapies such as Kineseology etc. A friend of mine who has a daughter with ASD says Kineseology helps her daughter as it incorporates the mind and the body & requires less dialogue. How are you feeling now about everything?
05-12-2018 02:19 PM
05-13-2018 12:54 PM
Hello @Alaya
I am sorry you and your family are going through this. This has to be such a difficult time for all of you. When reading this I heard a few really positive things from you. I love that your daughter has a Barry as a support animal. I can relate because my daughter also has a dog that she relies on for emotional support. There have been times that she has told me her dog is her only reason for living. So I realize our kids having pets is more comforting than we realize. I also loved that you try to get away a little bit, short camping trips, hikes. I know that getting time out away from my daughter has refueled me to keep going through these tough times. I understand what you mean about your daughter volunteering and the suggestion you being there as a family. It must be frustrating to feel you always have to be there. I know when my daughter did some volunteer work at a food bank she was too scared to do it alone so I also did it. But after the first couple times since she knew the layout she was ok by herself. I did have to explain to the supervisor her social anxiety and he gave her tasks with that in mind.
I know we don't have all the answers here but its nice to not feel alone during this stressful time.
05-13-2018 08:35 PM
05-14-2018 12:01 PM
hi @Alaya
You don't sound like your whining at all and I totally get you being nervous about the future, I get that way too. Sometimes I need to remember to focus on the present and not worry so much about the future. It sounds like you have an amazing daughter who loves animals very much and may have found her calling. She has already accomplished so much and you must remind her of that when she starts doubting herself.
Hugs to you today and Happy Mothers day!
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