Discussion forum for parents in Australia
04-25-2018 05:36 AM - last edited on 08-10-2018 03:35 PM by gina-Ro
My son is lazy and unmotivated. Only wants to play video games. His grades are good, but he definitely doesn't go above and beyond. He's 13. I'm curious if anyone went through the same thing with their teenager at that age and if it was just a phase? It's hard not to futurize and picture him this way as an adult, lol.
04-25-2018 10:40 AM
Hi @JCS39 thanks for your post I'm sure this will be relatable to many parents. It's great that his grades are good. What are his interests and hobbies outside of video games? Can playing video games be used as a reward for participating in other activities that he could try? I'll tag some of the other parents for their advice @taokat @Sister @sunflowermom @Schooner
04-26-2018 09:02 PM
Hi JCS39,
Youre not alone. I have two sons and both love video games but are also pretty lazy. One gets very good grades consistently and the other is very smart but hates school. Pretty much all the other boys who are friends with my sons are also lazy (they also play video games together online). Im not too worried. I dont think you need to worry yet either..if hes still managing school, maybe hes just exhausted.
04-26-2018 10:55 PM
How is it going now with your son @JCS39? Any changes?
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