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How do I help my 10 year old with being way overweight when I can't help myself

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How do I help my 10 year old with being way overweight when I can't help myself

Casual scribe

How do I help my 10 year old with being way overweight when I can't help myself

My child is very overweight , mild autism, ADHD aswell as other learning/behavior struggles
I'm also very overweight
I have never denied the weight problem and take FULL responsibility as I'm the adult I provide the food

The thing is how can I help my child when I have no idea how to help myself.
This is a life change not a diet
Where to start????

Prolific scribe

Re: How do I help my 10 year old with being way overweight when I can't help myself

Hi, clearly this is very frustrating for you and I do have one suggestion.  I recently phoned "get healthy service" who offer a once a fortnight telephone service to help make dietary changes.  The service is for six phone calls but can continue longer if needed.  Although my goal was different -  I needed help in providing the best nutrition for an unwell child I care for.  The advice was most helpful and little changes make all the difference.  I was able to implement suggestions and am confident these will be sustained.  You can purchase the Australian Dietary recommendations for healthy eating poster to hang in the kitchen which I have found useful in food preparation.  The coaching service is free, available to everyone and anyone and you can contact them on 1300 806 258. Hope this is helpful.

Frequent scribe

Re: How do I help my 10 year old with being way overweight when I can't help myself

Sorry to hear you are struggling with your weight and have concerns about your childs as well.


It is great you are here and have identified the issues and are willing to make changes to improve you and your child's lifestyle.  I love the advise from Chalke5.  I had no idea these services were available.


Don't be hard on yourself.  Make simple changes and I am sure you will notice the affect. Less sugar and add lots of fruit and veg to your daily meals.  I really try and keep my kids off sugary drinks too.

I also suggest as well as making changes to your diet perhaps you and your child could do some fun exercise together, perhaps walking , jogging or bike riding if that is something you may enjoy.


Good luck

Casual scribe

Re: How do I help my 10 year old with being way overweight when I can't help myself

Wow I'm overwhelmed by the support and advice this group gives.
Thank you for the feedback and suggestions. Having a fabulous page like this for parents to come to encourages me in so many ways.
Prolific scribe

Re: How do I help my 10 year old with being way overweight when I can't help myself

Hi @liss-82 I agree totally I never thought on line conversations could be so rewarding however, after seeking psychological help in the past, I feel this type of communication helps in a different way because you don't feel so alone when you know, discover and understand so many others have similar issues.  Keep the conversations going!

Prolific scribe

Re: How do I help my 10 year old with being way overweight when I can't help myself

The joys of SN children..


Food does seem to be an issue and it does make a difference in their behavioural issues. Is your child on any meds to help with the ADHD?


We face issues when we don't have control such as these kids we eat for comfort we eat to cope with the never ending depression and anxiety not to mention those awful mornings.


My girl has been saying I am fat pure muscle she swims but it's a mental issue. I have found using a smaller plate helps significantly and drinking water to fill me up. I have teens so filling up can be a problem. We tend to have things like wraps - a tablespoon of mince, lots of yoghurt and the rest tomato, spinach, cucumber carrot cheese. 3 of those look huge but they are on a tiny plate. I spread my food out over the day. It is a very slow process but you will regain confidence. We also get pizza but put veges on instead and on the small plate. A small walk to start off with and then longer. It may not seem much but if you rush the old ways often tend to return.



Re: How do I help my 10 year old with being way overweight when I can't help myself

Hi @liss-82, just wondering how things are going at home with you and your daughter? Were you able to start making any small changes - for me sometimes just getting started is the hardest part.


I know that I so often have great plans and before I know it another week has gone by and I didn't change a thing!


Let us know how you are when you have a minute

Frequent scribe

Re: How do I help my 10 year old with being way overweight when I can't help myself

A ten year old child has a lot of growing and maturing to do in the next few years, so in my humble opinion, I'd take care with the losing weight business. I'd be inclined to make just a few changes, in the direction of eating healthy foods rather than necessarily losing weight. I also am overweight, and so was my daughter when she was 10. I thought I was doing the right thing by losing weight with her, but she couldn't stop and developed anorexia, That was even more scary. Your child is likely to gain a reasonable bit of height in the next few years, so take it easy.