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Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Discussion forum for parents in Australia

Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Prolific scribe

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

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eyintas/Empowering Youth in Tasmania
Super contributor

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

I'm hoping we have @taziness@taokat and @motherbear here tonight as I know you guys were keen!.


Ok, so I'd like to welcome Emily May to the ReachOut Parents' Forum. 

Emily May Grad Dip (Psych) (Hons); AMAPS; Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner; BA Comms (Social Inquiry).

I can personally attest to Emily's skills in working with young people as we worked together many years ago.


She is incredibly skilled in many areas, and mindfulness as a practice is one of them. I'm going to give her a chance to say hi first before we launch into questions.

Special Guest

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Hi Ngaio, thank you so much for inviting me here to talk about this topic!

Super star contributor

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Hi everyone!


Prolific scribe

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Just a tip I picked up last time, you may like to turn off the email notifications for this chat if you don't want to overload your inbox before you get started! Smiley Wink


eyintas/Empowering Youth in Tasmania
Special Guest

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Mindfulness is such an incredible way of connecting more to what matters, rather than being swept away by thoughts and emotions and applies so well to building relationships with teenagers. I'm looking forward to sharing some insights with you.


Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Hi Everyone <3  and how do I do that @taziness ?

Prolific scribe

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Top right corner when you make a post Smiley Wink

eyintas/Empowering Youth in Tasmania
Super star contributor

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

Hi @Emily_May, What is the first tip to help us remain mindful in times of emotion?

Super star contributor

Re: Wednesday Wrap The Third!! What is Mindfullness?

There are times when emotion takes over and i forget about mindfulness. Is there a tool i can use to help me with that, instead of mindfulness being a hindsight thought?